Potosi wines compete with the best in the world

The microclimate of the municipality of Moctezuma has allowed, first -five decades ago- the arrival of greenhouses to the entity, which today produce vegetables with export quality, to evolve, with the arrival of the vine, to the production of wines that have already obtained medals, recognitions and awards worldwide.

During a trip through Europe, on the last day of his visit, Don Carlos Quintanilla acquired the knowledge of the conditions required to produce the wine vitis, with which wine is made, which are: a semi-desert region, with too much radiation but cold nights for the plants to recover, and little rain, requirements that were perfectly found in the Altiplano potosino, with which he decided to undertake a tyrannical project, the production of wines in San Luis Potosí.

Today, their wines are offered in the best hotels and restaurants in Mexico, as well as in the United States, and will soon participate in the Brussels World Competition, which, at Quintanilla’s own initiative, will be held in San Luis Potosí.

During the visit that El Sol de San Luis made to the Cava Quintanilla facilities, located in the aforementioned district, it was possible to confirm the effort and work that is needed to produce a top-quality product, worthy of a competition.

Currently, on 120 hectares, 400 thousand bottles are produced per year and the goal is to reach one million per year.

The population has benefited from this important project in the area, which has grown by leaps and bounds, with a job offer that is added to that which exists thanks to the greenhouses.

Among the most important projects is the construction of an underground wine cellar, which will be the fourth largest in the Mexican Republic.

In an interview, the person in charge of this project, Carlos Quintanilla, expressed his confidence that his wines would stand out, as in previous years, at the Brussels World Competition, an event in which world-class international judges participate.

Source: elsoldesanluis