Historic, a beauty of a San Cristobal coffee shop


It is located in a historic place, in San Cristóbal de las Casas, and it consumes what has historically given Chiapas fame worldwide: coffee. It is Historic.

It is the result of the merger of Finca Hamburgo located in Soconusco with the 500 Noches group and it is a space where the history of Chiapas coffee is cared for, enjoyed and shared.

Pía, manager of Cafetales Hamburgo Institute, who is in charge of the educational part of Histórico, tells us what this project is about. It is not just a cafeteria or a restaurant, here, in front of the eyes of the citizens, the coffee roasting process is shown, tours are made to educate about the importance it has in Chiapas, in Mexico and in the world.

Just by entering Histórico, the aroma of coffee is contagious, the one that is born in Finca Hamburgo and that after a process, reaches the homes of the world.

It has just opened and it has been a resounding success, and it is also in a privileged location, in the heart of a block in the Historic Center of San Cristóbal de las Casas, on Miguel Hidalgo Avenue number 1, very close to the Plaza de la Paz.

Source: alertachiapas