In 24 hours, 55 million m3 of rain fell on Durango dams

Lluvias. Sigue cayendo mucha agua a las presas y todos los días son millones de metros cúbicos los que llegan a los embalses.

The report released by the Meteorology and Hydrology Department of the local Conagua revealed that Wednesday was the best day for Durango’s dams in the last 20 months.

In just 24 hours, the Lázaro Cárdenas dam, better known as El Palmito and located in Indé, received 25.2 million cubic meters of water, which raised its storage from 23.1 to 24 percent.

It is followed by the dams of Irrigation District 052, where the five received 27.7 million cubic meters.

The Caboraca dam, in Canatlán, was the one that received the most water, with 8.2 million cubic meters, going from 60.9 percent storage to 78.5 percent.

For its part, the Santiago Bayacora dam received 7.7 million cubic meters on Wednesday alone, which increased its filling from 76.6 to 82.5 percent.

It was also reported that the Guadalupe Victoria dam received 5.3 million cubic meters, which resulted in an increase in its storage from 53 to 59.3 percent.

Finally, it was indicated that the Peña del Águila dam captured 3.6 million cubic meters, while the Francisco Villa dam, in Poanas, received 3.1 million. Finally, the Francisco Zarco dam, in the municipality of Lerdo, received 2.5 million cubic meters.


The rains generated during this Wednesday caused the average filling of the dams to rise to 31.3 percent.


The Lázaro Cárdenas dam was the one that captured the most water this Wednesday, receiving 25.2 million cubic meters.

Source: elsiglodedurango