Winter Time 2024 in Mexico, When does it change? This is the date you set your clock

It is no longer for the entire country, but in Mexico the time change continues to exist in some important cities and municipalities. With the arrival of autumn and the December holidays approaching, the time has come to make way for Winter Time 2024.

Every time the date of the time change in Mexico approaches, doubts and questions arise about how it will affect different regions of the country, so we give you the most important details of this measure that, until a couple of years ago, applied nationwide.

Winter Time 2024: What is done with the clock?

Applying only in some northern border regions, the time change in Mexico for the year 2024 is scheduled for October 27. After midnight, the cities where it applies must set their clocks back one hour, aligning with Winter Time.

Cities that will change to Daylight Savings Time in Mexico in 2024

Chihuahua: Ciudad Juárez, Ojinaga, Ascensión, Coyame del Sotol, Guadalupe and Janos.
Coahuila: Acuña, Allende, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jiménez, Morelos and Nava.
Tamaulipas: Nuevo Laredo, Guerrero, Mier, Miguel Alemán and Camargo.
Nuevo León: Anáhuac.
Baja California: Tijuana, Mexicali, Ensenada, Playas de Rosarito, Tecate and San Quintín.
It is worth noting that only these cities and municipalities will have to set their clocks back one hour during these months, while on Sunday, March 9, 2025, Daylight Savings Time will start for them.

Why is Mexico no longer changing to Daylight Savings Time?

In 1996, Daylight Saving Time was implemented in Mexico with Ernesto Zedillo as president, who promoted this measure to promote energy savings nationwide by moving the clock forward one hour, so that for seven months that time was adopted and the other five months the “original” winter time remained.

The arrival of Andrés Manuel López Obrador to the presidency marked many changes for the country, including the elimination of Daylight Saving Time starting in 2022. This meant that, in most regions, clocks are no longer moved forward in April and then set back in October, as had been done.

AMLO decided to eliminate the time change based on studies that determined that it produced negative effects on the health of some people, in addition to the fact that the energy savings “were never as significant” as expected.

That is why in cities such as Mexico City, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Puebla, Veracruz, Cuernavaca, Toluca and many other important cities, there is no longer a time change, but it does apply in the aforementioned border regions.

Source: foxsports