Caboraca Dam at 100 percent; Civil Protection rules out risk of damage

Despite the rains that have occurred during the last few hours in the state of Durango, Arturo Galindo Cavada, state coordinator of Civil Protection, ruled out the risk of affecting citizens, but there are two dams, one in Canatlán and one in the capital municipality, which are already at 100 percent of their capacity.

The interviewee commented that the Caboraca dam is already spilling, but does not put the population of the municipalities of Canatlán or Durango at risk in the Peña del Águila dam, through the La Sauceda River.

“As had been commented during this rainy season, the rivers and streams have been growing, and have been feeding the dams, which is positive. In addition, the dams are gradually recovering, but of course this implies that we have a special situation, as in some dams, as you say, the Caboraca dam was filled and we were very attentive since the National Water Commission informed us about what was happening. At night we were attentive to the flow; it was determined that there was no risk in this part.”

Regarding the municipalities in the mountains, he commented that despite the rising rivers, there have been no major incidents.

“Since yesterday (Thursday) the authorities were notified so that they would be on the lookout, in turn they notified the community, as a preventive measure, and in the same way they were with the municipal president to make tours of the area.”

Finally, he commented that, in the same way, the municipal authorities in the capital were informed so that preventive measures could be considered.

“We also spoke with the authorities in Durango, with this water reaching the Peña del Águila dam, which, it has been estimated, began to discharge in the morning. The flow is still very low, 70 cubic meters per second are entering the Peña del Águila dam, which is obviously the same as what will be leaving through the La Sauceda River. We have no problems with 100 meters. It has been discharged into the riverbed, so we are keeping an eye on it.”

Source: milenio