Salaries in Zihuatanejo: How much does the working class earn?

The average monthly salary in the first quarter of 2024 in Guerrero was $4.57 thousand pesos, which is $895 pesos higher than the previous quarter, which was $3.67 thousand pesos.

In the first quarter of 2024, Guerrero had 1,617,268 people employed. In Zihuatanejo, the highest salaries in the working class range between 7 and 8 thousand pesos, while the lowest are approximately 2,500 pesos per fortnight.

The occupations with the most workers during the first quarter of 2024 in Guerrero were agricultural.

Occupations in Guerrero

Corn and/or Bean Farm Workers (185k),
Agricultural Support Workers (124k)
Shopkeepers (96.8k)

In the Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo destination, the main source of employment is in hotels, restaurants and commerce.

Although it is a tourist destination, not all jobs offer fair pay, however, workers take them to provide for their families, despite receiving a low salary.

Source: meganoticias