The Rising Level of the Piaxtla River in Tayoltita, Durango, Puts the Population on Alert

This morning, some videos began circulating showing the high level of the Piaxtla River at Tayoltita, San Dimas, Durango. This alerted the population of San Ignacio, as this same river flows through this municipality.

The rise has occurred because it has not stopped raining in the higher localities of Durango and San Ignacio, such as the ejido California, where the rainfall has been constant. The water flows into the Verde River, which in turn flows into the Piaxtla, hence the alarm among the residents of the San Ignacio communities, where floods have occurred in the past due to the river overflowing.

In response, the Director of Public Safety and Municipal Traffic, Juan Ramón Luevanos Salas, stated that since this morning, they have coordinated with army personnel to conduct a tour up to Tayoltita to see how they can help people or rule out any danger. He mentioned having seen some videos on social media showing machinery underwater but was unsure if it was in San Ignacio or Durango.

Similarly, José Luis Angulo Herrera, Municipal Coordinator of Civil Protection of San Dimas, Durango, noted that according to the weather conditions for today and tomorrow, Friday, with expected rainfall of 25 to 75 millimeters, this represents a considerable rise in rivers and streams in the San Dimas region. He mentioned that the Piaxtla River, which crosses the municipal seat of San Dimas, has risen considerably since last night. So far, it has not exceeded the riverbank limits, with some minor impacts in the municipal seat and some communities due to soil softening and rockfalls obstructing some roads, posing a risk of isolation.

He said there would be precipitation today and tomorrow, according to weather reports. As long as the streams are free of debris, especially at the confluences, the water level would not rise much and must flow. “Overflow occurs when there is saturation due to obstruction, so we must ensure the flow of these streams to avoid floods. If you live near the river, take precautions to evacuate if you see the river level reaching its limit. Do not wait for the water to overflow; evacuate. Consider the safety of human life first, then material goods, and lastly nature; that is the rule of life in this sense,” he expressed.

Another recommendation made by the official was not to attempt to cross swollen streams or rivers, either on foot or in vehicles, nor to bathe in them.

Currently, there are impacts on machinery from a company working on bridge construction on the San Ignacio-Tayoltita highway in Durango, which is underwater.

On the road connecting to the ejido California, there have been significant landslides, with large rocks falling from above, blocking vehicular traffic. Residents are trying to break them to clear the way and continue their journey.

Likewise, the Miravalles River, located near the ejido Vencedores, Durango, which flows into the Piaxtla, maintains a normal level.

Source: Dabate