Aguascalientes confirms multi-million dollar investments: 13 new projects will generate 7,000 jobs

From January to June 2024, the government of Aguascalientes has confirmed 13 investment projects that represent an amount greater than 618 million dollars and the generation of around 7,000 jobs.

Esaú Garza de Vega, head of the Secretariat of Economic Development, Science and Technology (SEDECyT) explained that these investments come from countries such as Germany, China, the United States, India and Turkey, in the industrial, metalworking, information technology, agroindustry and automotive sectors.

“The diversification of the countries that invest in Aguascalientes and the productive sectors to which the new companies belong is a reality in which we are advancing with firm steps,” concluded the state official.

For her part, Tere Jiménez, governor of Aguascalientes commented that “The industrial vocation of Aguascalientes, which is based on the talent and competitiveness of its people, is a reference for the growth and attraction of new national and foreign investment projects; Therefore, we will continue to strengthen the business ecosystem and create the conditions for our state to consolidate itself as the best place to live and invest,” said Tere Jiménez, Governor of Aguascalientes.

Source: mexicoindustry