Oaxaca marathon runner at risk of losing both arms after attack by three dogs

Maratonista de Oaxaca, en riesgo de perder ambos brazos tras ataque de tres perros

Through its social media page, the Carrera Frater running group made public the case of an athlete who was attacked by pitbull dogs and could lose both arms.

This is the case of the athlete Isidra Torres, who was running near San Sebastián Tutla, when she was attacked by three pitbull dogs.

The page states that although the athlete covered herself to try to contain the injuries, the dogs damaged her tissues and tendons. The athlete was taken to the hospital, where she was informed that she will lose her left arm and probably her right.

“The family and the running community are asking for legal, economic and medical support to cope with the tragedy,” they say.

The media outlet Frecuencia 24/60 reported that the case has already been reported to the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Oaxaca (FGEO), but so far the owner of the dogs has not come forward.

The president of the animal protection organization Ayuda al Perro Amigo Oaxaca (APAOAX), Hilda Toledo, previously explained that there are no aggressive dogs. “The person directly responsible is the caretaker, an investigation must be done,” she said.

Meanwhile, they make available to users the card number: 4169160883746415, in the name of Isis Guadalupe Zárate Torres, as well as the phone number: 9511967968, to channel support to the athlete.

Source: oaxaca.eluniversal