Learn about the types of land use and the steps to obtain a license

Understanding land uses in Mexico is crucial if you are thinking about buying, selling or developing property. Each type of use has its own rules and limitations, and knowing these regulations will help you make informed decisions and comply with the law.

What is land use?

According to Inmuebles24, land use refers to how a piece of land can be used. In Mexico, this concept is essential for city and territorial planning. Depending on the type of use assigned, a piece of land can be used for residences, businesses, industries, agriculture or recreational activities, among others.

Land use regulation in Mexico is the responsibility of the Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (Sedatu) and the National Institute of Sustainable Land (INSUS), which establish the rules through the National Land Policy (PNS) published in 2020.

Types of land use in Mexico

In Mexico, land uses are divided into several main categories:

Urban land: Areas designated for the development of cities and their infrastructure.
Conservation land: Land designated for the protection of the environment and conservation of natural resources.
Rural towns: Areas focused on the development of rural communities and agricultural activities.
What to consider when buying or renting a property

When purchasing or leasing a property, it is essential to know the type of land use assigned to it. This will determine how you can use the land and whether changes to its use are necessary. If you plan to change the use of the land, you will need to follow a process that includes obtaining a land evaluation, paying the corresponding fees, and notifying the authorities.

As Karla González Montoya, B2C Marketing Manager at Inmuebles24, explains, “this procedure is essential to use a piece of land with a specific land use, whether residential, commercial, or industrial. Having the right information and advice is key to protecting your investment and complying with regulations.”

Procedures to obtain a land use license

To obtain a land use license and the unique zoning certificate in Mexico, like when you are buying a house, you must follow a particular procedure. This involves submitting the required documentation to the Secretariat of Urban Development and Housing (SEDUVI) or the appropriate municipal authority, depending on the jurisdiction.

Before setting up a business, verify the land use

Type of license

It is essential to identify the type of land use license that corresponds to your property, since there are several categories depending on the purpose of the land. After defining the appropriate land use, you must gather the necessary documentation to begin the process. Keep in mind that the costs of the license may vary depending on the type of surface and the planned use for the land.

Required documents

Depending on the federal entity and local regulations, the required documents may vary slightly, however, they usually include the following:

  • Official identification (if you are a natural person) or articles of incorporation of the company (if you are a legal entity).
  • Professional title of the legal representative or responsible technician.
  • Proof of address of the applicant.
  • Deeds of the property.
  • Topographical plan of the land.
  • Current property tax bill.
  • Location sketch of the property.
  • Request letter addressed to the corresponding authority.
  • Georeferenced plan with UTM coordinates.

Each federal entity may have additional requirements, so it is important to check local regulations. Correctly obtaining the license ensures that your project complies with current regulations and facilitates future transactions.

Source: realestatemarket