10 thousand people march against violence in Chiapas; They ask to stop narcopolitics

Fed up with the violence that plagues different regions of Chiapas, thousands of residents took to the streets to gather in a mega march against violence and narcopolitics.

The march for peace in Chiapas was called and led by the bishops of the three dioceses of the state: San Cristóbal de las Casas, Tapachula and Tuxtla Gutiérrez, and, according to its organizers, managed to gather around 10 thousand inhabitants, according to estimates by the organizers.

The attendees gathered at the entrance of Tuxtla Gutiérrez and walked for more than 10 kilometers until they reached the cathedral of San Marcos. According to its organizers, inhabitants from various regions, indigenous people and members of native communities participated.

“The violence generated by organized crime groups, at war for control of the territory, has been advancing considerably in several municipalities of our state of Chiapas (…) We declare that the cause of this violence originates from the interests that drive the construction of an infrastructure of dispossession of the natural goods and services of the native peoples,” the archdioceses said in a statement.

The clerics stressed that the cartels that are fighting for control of the region (Sinaloa Cartel, CJNG and the Chiapas and Guatemala Cartel) are the main responsible for homicides and kidnappings of residents, who are used as “human shields” or to force them “into a situation of slavery” at criminal checkpoints on highways and trails in municipalities such as Chenalho, Pantelho, Frontera Comalapa, among others.

With slogans such as “Let peace be a reality in Chiapas”, “We want to live in peace”, “Stop forced displacement” and “Stop narcopolitics”, the protesters marched carrying religious symbols, banners and posters with the images of some missing people or victims of organized crime.

“We demand that the three levels of government that have the main responsibility of ensuring the safety of all citizens, of consolidating the rule of law, respect for Human Rights and the recovery of the territory so that the families of the region are in their own land (…) People will not be able to return while criminal groups remain in the territory.
The mega-march for peace comes after the official announcement to cancel the celebrations for the Grito de Independencia in 12 municipalities of the state where violence has been concentrated in recent months.

According to state and municipal authorities, there will be no celebrations in the following municipalities:

Frontera Comalapa
La Grandeza
El Porvenir
Bejucal de Ocampo
Mazapa de Madero
Amatenango de la Frontera

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