Also in Guanajuato: national holidays cancelled due to wave of violence in Comonfort

La ultimas semanas se han registrado ataques contra colaboradores y un hijo del alcalde electo Gilberto Zárate Nieves en Comonfort, Guanajuato. Foto: Javier Cabrera Martínez / EL UNIVERSAL

In the face of the wave of crimes against collaborators and a son of the elected mayor Gilberto Zárate Nieves, of Morena, the Municipal Government of Comonfort cancelled the celebration of the Grito de Independencia and the Mexican night festival and the civic parade on September 16.

The Municipal Presidency reported the suspension of all activities scheduled for September in the municipal capital and communities, due to the recent regrettable events.

“In recent weeks the Municipality has witnessed regrettable events, which it rejects. We trust that the responsible authorities will clarify the events,” it said in a statement.
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On September 2, Gilberto Zárate Llamas, son of the elected mayor, was wounded by armed men in the Empalme Escobedo community, in that place a driver died after being hit by bullets and a teenager was injured.

On September 4, the next secretary of the City Council, Isaac Ortega Nieto, was shot dead while he was riding in his vehicle and two family members who were with him were injured, and on September 11, the businessman Tomás Mata Díaz, who had been profiled to occupy the municipal Directorate of Tourism, was executed in a creamery that he owned.

The decision to suspend the patriotic events was announced after the Army and the National Guard took control of security in Comonfort.

After the cancellation of the celebrations, the Municipal Government stated that it has always sought to keep traditions alive by promoting civic and family values ​​with multiple activities so that families can enjoy themselves with joy, seeking mutual harmony.

It expressed gratitude to the educational and sports authorities and to the citizens for their participation in all the activities that they had scheduled and for their understanding.

Source: eluniversal