Quintana Roo government seeks to launch a new world-class tourist hub

La gobernadora de Quintana Roo, Mara Lezama, anunció una inversión de más de 40 millones de pesos para detonar a Calderitas, como un polo turístico de clase mundial. (Foto: especial)

The governor of Quintana Roo, Mara Lezama Espinosa, announced today an investment of more than 40 million pesos to transform Calderitas into a world-class tourist destination.

According to what was said by the state governor, it is a comprehensive project in which the state government, ejidatarios and merchants participate, in response to a long-standing demand from the inhabitants.

This project will leave direct benefits to 291 inhabitants of the Centro neighborhood and in general to the 2,811 women and 2,740 men of the town as well as the thousands of tourists who visit it every year.
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In the main park of this community of Othón P. Blanco, ejidatarios and restaurateurs signed, together with Governor Mara Lezama, a Solidarity Agreement to develop the “Rehabilitation of the public space of the coastal area of ​​Calderitas” to promote sustainable development and economic growth in the area.

“And why can we do it? Why can we make this investment? Because when corruption is fought, money goes further and when a resource is allocated to a place like this, for the benefit of so many families, for the experience of so many people, it will never be an expense, it will always be an investment” said the Governor.

Previously, Mara Lezama toured the restaurant area accompanied by officials and businessmen, where this project will be developed to transform Calderitas into an attractive and functional tourist destination, promoting local economic development, the preservation of cultural heritage, social well-being and shared prosperity.

“Calderitas will have a new image, more attractive and more modern; the park that we will build includes recreational and inclusive games, it will have a fountain; the entire wooden deck will be rebuilt and the viewing points will have Instagrammable elements and a totally renovated appearance to become a model destination in the Mexican Caribbean” explained Mara Lezama.

The Secretariat of Public Works participates in this project in collaboration with the Secretariat of Tourism, the Secretariat of Economic Development and the Institute of Culture and the Arts. These actions are expected not only to beautify Calderitas, but also to generate local employment and improve the quality of life of its inhabitants.

During the announcement, it was reported that actions will be developed in parallel and a branding strategy will be implemented that will position Calderitas as a unique destination. SEDETUR will offer training and certification courses to service providers; SEDE will provide financing and business training schemes; ICA will provide technical advice to recognize the inherent value of culture and art in order to provoke more spaces for cultural expression; all in a comprehensive way that reflects the success of shared prosperity.

In addition to the secretaries Irazú Sarabia, from SEOP; Bernardo Cueto, from SEDETUR; Esther Burgos, from SEDE; Lilian Villanueva, director of ICA, the Agreement was signed by Eliezer Medina, president of the Ejidal Commission and Apolinar Gómez, president of the Calderitas Restaurant Association.

Source: eluniversal