Users capture a strange figure in the sky of Jalisco, they claim it is a UFO

El supuesto ovni fue captado en Tlaquepaque.

Users on social media have been commenting on a video that has been circulating, mainly in the state of Jalisco, because a strange figure was captured in the sky and they claim it is a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object).

For a few weeks now, images published on social media have caused a stir because of a possible UFO, which was flying over the region of Tlaquepaque in Jalisco.

Did a UFO fly over the skies of Jalisco?

A citizen was the one who recorded the moment where the alleged UFO was in the sky of Tlaquepaque, later the video was spread by different accounts on social media.

The user @heyjalisco shared the video on his account and many people gave their opinion in the comments about the images. The trend ranged from believers who claimed it was a UFO, while others denied that it was.

In addition, other people were also able to observe this object and took photographs from other parts of the city, which were spread on social networks. In this way, the controversy over the presence of extraterrestrial beings is once again put on the table.

Until now, no authority has made an official statement about this alleged UFO that was captured in the skies of Jalisco, according to information from local media. Given the above, there is currently no version that explains what happened in Tlaquepaque.

What is a UFO?

According to the Dictionary of the Spanish language of the Royal Spanish Academy, a UFO is an “unidentified flying object, which is sometimes considered to be a spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin.”

It is common that when an unusual object is captured in the air, it is speculated that it is a UFO, although it only remains in assumptions. This is how users captured a strange figure in the sky of Jalisco.

Source: mvsnoticias