In San Miguel Allende you can enjoy the “Entrance of Souls and Xúchiles”

Next Saturday, September 28, San Miguel de Allende will be dressed in color and tradition with the celebration of the ritual and colorful Entrance of Souls and Xúchiles.

As every year, the souls and xúchiles will meet at Calzada de la estación, accompanied by local and foreign dances, filling the streets with rhythm and joy.

Attendees will be able to enjoy an atmosphere with vibrant music and colorful mojigangas. This tradition has been carried out since 1531, when the conquest of the faith took place with the Chichimeca captains such as Martín Patlán, Manuel Luna, Macedonio Ramírez and Marco Degollado and already evangelized Indians, who fought against their own brothers to convert them to the Christian faith.

This event is remembered with the entrance of the souls and xúchiles in honor of all the ancestors fallen in this battle for the conquest of the Christian religion.

Likewise, on Sunday, September 29, starting at one in the afternoon, the Tribute to Fray Juan de San Miguel, Founder of the City, will be held in front of his monument located next to the Parish of San Miguel Arcángel.

Curious fact: this monument to Fray Juan de San Miguel was inaugurated in 1942, within the framework of the fourth centenary of the founding of San Miguel de Allende. This peculiar sculpture of greenish tone and made of bronze is the work of the master Fidias Elizondo, the same author of the sculpture of Christ the King of Cerro del Cubilete, which represents a person receiving baptismal waters from the Friar, a scene that illustrates the moment of evangelization within the region.

Source: 889noticias