Coahuila: Project to reactivate ecotourism in Boquillas del Carmen is being prepared

They visit a remote community that borders the Big Bend National Park in the United States

State authorities are preparing a project to reactivate ecotourism in the town of Boquillas del Carmen, municipality of Ocampo.

Liliana Salinas, honorary president of the DIF Coahuila; Cristina Amezcua, Secretary of Tourism; and Susana Estens, head of the Environment, visited the town as part of the commitments of Governor Manolo Jiménez to protect and promote the natural areas of the state and trigger tourism to generate economic benefits.

“We reaffirm our commitment to protect and promote this beautiful area in Boquillas del Carmen, in the north of our state. Thank you for your warm hospitality and for joining this team effort, as well as the great support of Mayor Mara Silva,” said the honorary president of the DIF Coahuila, Liliana Salinas.

Together with Laura Mara Silva, mayor of Ocampo, and Edith Hernández, local deputy, they carried out a work tour in the community that borders the Big Bend National Park, in the United States.

The above was to start a project that will reactivate ecotourism in the natural area, which will generate social benefit for the families of that area of ​​the state.

The officials met with residents of Boquillas del Carmen and with directors of Big Bend to learn about their needs, listen to their proposals and build a project to attract visitors. The superintendent of the Big Bend National Park, Anjna O’Connor, and her entire team of Rangers were present.

In July, Jiménez Salinas supervised the construction works of the El Melón military base, located on the limits of the municipalities of Múzquiz, Acuña and Ocampo. He said that from Múzquiz to Boquillas del Carmen is an area that will be strengthened in terms of tourism.

“And we know that for tourism to move forward, security is very important; “So we continue working on this issue for the good of Coahuila,” said the president.

Raúl Rodríguez, Undersecretary of Health, and architects Arturo de Hoyos and Silva Morera, who also supervised the rehabilitation actions of the Boquillas del Carmen Health Center, also participated in this work tour.

Source: vanguardia