Three police officers injured in clash in Coahuila

La Secretaría de Seguridad Pública de Coahuila informó que los policías se encuentran fuera de peligro.

Three members of the State Police were injured after an armed confrontation with criminals in the municipality of Guerrero, Coahuila.

The Secretariat of Public Security reported this afternoon that the police officers are out of danger.

Through the armed confrontation, the criminals entered Coahuila through a breach in this border municipality, between the municipalities of Hidalgo and Piedras Negras, and escaped back to Nuevo León.

“The events occurred in the breaches of the municipality of Guerrero, when state elements detected the presence of armed civilians, who opened fire against the police units,” reported the state agency.

“Immediately, the coordination protocol was activated with the Mexican Army and the Navy, on the borders of Coahuila with the states of Nuevo León and Tamaulipas. Seeing themselves overwhelmed by the state force of the Coahuila State Police, the armed civilians returned to Tamaulipas.”

The statement did not specify the location of the confrontation, but the armed civilians had to cross the municipality of Hidalgo, bordering Nuevo León.

“As a result of the confrontation, three officers were injured, who received medical attention and are stable, out of danger,” the state agency reported.

Source: reforma