Violence in Chiapas forces AMLO to stay in Mexico City to acclimatize

It is public knowledge that cases of violence have increased in the south of the country. Federal authorities say they are working to guarantee the safety of the residents and indigenous communities who have been forced to leave their properties by criminal groups fighting for control of the territory.

The federal president swore – and never tired of repeating it – that at the end of his term he would not be re-elected and that when he leaves the government and his successor arrives, he would retire and distance himself from public and political life. He said he would move to the country house that his parents inherited to him, known as La Chingada, in Palenque, Chiapas, although in the last week of his term he backtracked and clarified that he would remain a few days in Mexico City to “acclimatize” before traveling to Chiapas.

According to Mexican writer, Héctor de Mauleón, the reason why the still federal president will not immediately leave the capital of the country, is the wave of violence that is ravaging Chiapas and threatening the municipalities bordering Palenque, a fact that has been recorded by civil organizations and the media, but which the government has minimized.

Among the national organizations that are supposedly operating in the south of the country, specifically in Chiapas, are the Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG), who seek to have control of the mountains that could be the route for drug smuggling and other criminal activities.

“(President López Obrador) was actually going to enter a territory in which there are more bullets than hugs, and in whose surroundings the Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel have started a war that seems to have no end,” wrote Héctor de Mauleón in his column for El Universal.

However, armed clashes are not the only concern of the residents and the president’s inner circle, according to Mauleón; a criminal group extorts indigenous communities for the payment of a floor fee, which occurs in Ocosingo.

“Armed clashes, blockades, intercommunity conflicts, kidnappings, murders shake Frontera Comalapa, Chicomuselo, Siltepec, Motozintla, El Porvenir, Bellavista, La Grandeza, Altamirano, Maravilla Tenejapa,” said the columnist.

Surroundings of La Chingada are equipped for the arrival of AMLO
The Latinus media made a report in which it shows that the federal government allocated 2 billion pesos for the construction of public works in the surroundings of Palenque Chiapas, some of which are located within a 4 kilometer radius around his farm called La Chingada.

According to the report, “five minutes from his home in Palenque, the president will have at his disposal an ISSSTE hospital clinic with emergency services, 20 beds and state-of-the-art equipment.”

A military police barracks was also built, located on the widest and most modern boulevard in Palenque, which was recently inaugurated, a 4-kilometer circuit with six lanes of hydraulic concrete.

Source: infobae