‘Your investments are safe’: Sheinbaum sends message to investors concerned about judicial reform

Claudia Sheinbaum’s first message as president
As president, Claudia Sheinbaum began her speech by greeting and thanking the presence of special guests such as heads of state and members of the presidential cabinet such as Omar García Harfuch, who took control of the Secretariat of Citizen Security in the first hour of this October 1.

The first lines of Claudia Sheinbaum’s speech served to recall the speech that AMLO gave from San Lázaro during the impeachment process. “You have asked us not to unveil busts or put your name on streets, avenues, neighborhoods or colonies. The truth is that it is not necessary, because you will always be in the hearts of the people of Mexico,” Sheinbaum told López Obrador.

Claudia Sheinbaum, president of Mexico, during her inauguration.

After dedicating a farewell message to Andrés Manuel López Obrador and amid cries of “President, President!”, Sheinbaum Pardo said that “Mexico is a wonderful country” and highlighted that the country is the twelfth largest economy in the world and the sixth country with the highest tourist attraction.

In addition, she invited people to analyze President López Obrador’s six-year term “with hard data.” “How is it that without raising taxes, inequalities were reduced,” asked the Mexican president.

When talking about her economic measures, Sheinbaum Pardo promised to maintain the autonomy of the Bank of Mexico (Banxico) and sent a message to investors concerned about the approval of the reform to the Judicial Branch, assuring that their investments are safe in Mexico.

She explained that in the first days of her government she will meet with businessmen and investors.

She also announced cooperation with the United States and Canada, countries with which “we do not compete, we cooperate.”

“In terms of insecurity, we will guarantee the reduction of high-impact crimes. “Felipe Calderón’s war on drugs, which has done so much harm to us, will not return,” added Claudia Sheinbaum, referring to her plans to combat violence in Mexico.

She announced that her first trip as president will be to Acapulco, Guerrero, to supervise the work after the passage of Hurricane John.

“I call on you to continue making history,” said Claudia Sheinbaum, then saying “long live Mexico” three times and arousing cries of “it is an honor to be with Claudia today.”

Immediately after Claudia Sheinbaum’s message, Ifigenia Martínez, who has health problems, asked everyone present to stand up to sing the National Anthem.

What will Claudia Sheinbaum do after her inauguration?

After her inauguration, the new president of Mexico will leave the Chamber of Deputies and head to the National Palace. There she is scheduled to swear in the members of the presidential cabinet for the 2024-2030 six-year term. In addition, she will participate in the official photo shoot to mark the start of her government.

One of the most important events after Claudia Sheinbaum’s inauguration, the president will hold a lunch with special guests at the National Palace.

Around 5:00 p.m. on October 1, Claudia Sheinbaum will take over the Zócalo in CDMX to celebrate the start of her administration. The event in the capital’s main square includes concerts and the participation of regional bands, as well as a new speech by President Sheinbaum Pardo and the ceremony to hand over the Baton of Command.

Source: elfinanciero