The roads in the worst condition and abandoned in the country are in Campeche

Un bache ubicado en una carretera de Campeche

The roads in the worst condition and abandoned in the country are in Campeche, a state governed by Layda Sansores.

And according to information from the Statistical Yearbook of Collision on Federal Highways 2023, prepared by the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation, 42 deaths were recorded and Campeche ended up as the entity with the most deaths in the Peninsula.

For the population of Campeche that uses these roads, it is inevitable to look at Sansores as a leader who does not intervene so that the Federation invests in their rehabilitation.

In general, throughout last year, the state of Campeche recorded 214 collisions, of which 82 were with victims.

There were also 42 deaths in accidents and 101 injured. Material damage amounted to 25 million 936 thousand 600 pesos, with a balance of 374 vehicles.

Several sectors expressed their complaints, as a concrete example is the increase in vehicular traffic on Federal Highway 180 and the poor condition it is in, which causes the increase in the accident rate on the main communication route from the southeast to the center of the country, as stated by the Mexican Transporters Alliance

The roads in Campeche continue to deteriorate before the eyes of the governor, who apparently ignores the problem and does not make the corresponding arrangements with the government of the Republic to modernize the infrastructure.

Source: excelsior