Police commanders removed from office in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas; they participated in armed attack that left 3 dead

Destituyen a mandos policíacos en Chiapas; participaron en ataque armado que dejó tres muertos. Foto: Especial

Following an armed attack by a group of criminals that left two criminals and a security agent dead, the mayor of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Fabiola Ricci Diestel, asked for the resignation of the directors of the Municipal Police, Rafael Eduardo Castro Reynaga and Municipal Traffic, Jorge Arturo Jiménez del Carmen, among others.

Ricci Diestel also reported that one of the alleged criminals who was wounded died in the hospital on Thursday, bringing the number of dead attackers to two.

The municipal police of San Cristóbal de las Casas, for its part, reported in a statement that the attack against the police officers was committed at eleven o’clock on Wednesday night when they were checking a taxi and were shot. One agent died in the attack.

The police repelled the attack, resulting in one alleged criminal dead and another wounded; They arrested three of them, and also seized seven long weapons and the taxi that was reported stolen.

Ricci Diestel, stated on social media that she arrived at the site of the attack before the director of the Municipal Police and the Traffic Police, who have been in office for 48 hours. The municipal president took office last Tuesday.

So the immediate resignation of the directors of the police, the Traffic Police and others who were with them was requested, because “we are not going to allow any director not to work and not give results to the citizens, their responsibility is to work for the good of San Cristóbal de las Casas,” she assured.

Once the police were notified of the attack, they moved “immediately to the place. We were there and witnessed the arrest of another person.”

“We were accompanying the police until they removed the body of a colleague from this city council,” the public servant explained.

The work will be 24 hours a day for the common good and to give the best results. “Last night we fought high-caliber criminals, the response was very good; they seized seven weapons and a stolen vehicle; we are getting results from the beginning,” she stressed.

Fabiola Ricci said that the security agent named Amadeo was not wearing a bulletproof vest, so she said that on Thursday morning she urged them to take preventive measures to avoid further damage.

It is, said the mayor, organized crime and it is difficult to stop it; the Municipal Police is doing it, she concluded.

Source: eluniversal