Tragedy in Oaxaca: dog attacks and kills newborn baby

A newborn baby was killed after being attacked by a dog in the indigenous town of Teotitlán de Flores Magón, Oaxaca.

The incident occurred on September 30 inside a house where the baby and her grandmother were. The parents of the newborn have already appeared before the authorities to determine who is responsible for this incident.

This is not the first case in which a person has died as a result of dog bites. The most recent case was that of Isidra Torres, who was attacked by three dogs. The woman was hospitalized for 26 days and died.

This case led the State Congress to reform the Penal Code to punish with prison those animal owners who injure or kill a person.

These are illustrative photos of a recent march for the murder of Isidra Torres, who was attacked by three dogs. English:Photo: Citlalli López Velázquez
In this sense, it was established in article 282 that the person who intentionally provokes the animal, releases it or does the latter through carelessness will be responsible for injuries caused by an animal. These articles indicate penalties from six days to 12 years in prison, and economic fines, according to the consequences caused by the injuries.

Meanwhile, article 305 Bis states that, when an animal attack results in the death of the victim, the person responsible will be subject to the corresponding penalties according to the homicide chapter and according to the classification made for this purpose by the Penal Code in the corresponding chapters, whether it is a willful or negligent crime, as appropriate.

In both cases, the sanctions will be increased by up to a third if the victim is a minor, an elderly person or a person with a disability.

These are illustrative photos of a recent march for the murder of Isidra Torres attacked by three dogs. English:Photo: Citlalli López Velázquez
On the other hand, Article 419 Bis states that a penalty of six months to five years in prison and a fine will be imposed on anyone who provokes or releases animals that cause injuries or acts of suffering in other animals. The law established that animals will be understood as domestic animals, which are species that are bred, reproduced and that live with people but do not belong to the wild fauna; companion animals; and ferocious animals, which will be understood as animals that are not ordinarily domesticated or are dangerous to humans due to their aggressiveness, habits, size or strength.

This reform arose in response to various dog attacks on people, including the case against a minor from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec region who lost his life, and in others, victims have lost limbs due to injuries caused by animals.

“A dog attack or bite can cause long-term physical injuries and emotional trauma. “If the victim is unable to work while recovering from the injury, he or she may also face significant financial problems. However, injuries caused by dogs are not covered by our legislation, so it is necessary to create legal mechanisms that allow us to sanction negligence on the part of the owners,” the decree states.

Source: lasillarota