Durango launches the “Alacrán” project; a 40 million dollar investment to unite Mexico with North America

Inversión en Durango con la construcción del proyecto "Alacrán" / Foto: Especial

Construction has begun on the “Alacrán” project, in which 40 million dollars will be invested and which will integrate eight companies that Chilean investors have in the United States and Canada. This plant will be the largest operation of Arauco, whose components will be sent to the other factories.

“Today we are kicking off this project called ‘Alacrán’. Durango has been key in the expansion of our business in Mexico and this will be the spearhead for our integration of the country’s plants with North American companies,” said José Manuel Hernández Ayala.

The director of Arauco Mexico said that this is the only investment in Mexico this year and the previous one, a business that undoubtedly could not be done without the forestry industry of this entity and its quality of work that allows the corporation to carry out this expansion and that it be with social responsibility.

In turn, Marcelo Sobarzo Anento, commercial director of Chile in Mexico, highlighted the issue of sustainability as important, precisely because of climate change, and what better than to support these practices, for this reason he congratulated the Arauco corporation and the State Government for supporting these actions.

The “Alacrán” project consists of the integration of Durango to North America, through this plan they will unify with 8 productive plants in the United States and Canada; The impregnation complex, the largest of all Arauco operations worldwide, will be built in Durango, where components will be produced and shipped to the factories every week.

With the announcement of the expansion of the Arauco company, specifically of the project called “Alacrán” and which represents an investment of 40 million dollars, Durango consolidates its economic development and continues to attract companies that benefit the people of Durango, said Governor Esteban Villegas Villarreal.

Accompanied by the ambassador of the Republic of Chile in Mexico, Beatriz Sánchez Muñoz, the state leader stated that with the expansion of the plant, 70 new direct jobs and 200 indirect jobs will be generated during 2025.

He also stated that Arauco is a company that cares for the environment, which will contribute to Durango continuing to be a sustainable and sustainable city.

The work will be carried out by a construction company from Durango that will generate 600 jobs, which will boost the economy in the state, she added and congratulated the directors for their commitment to attract jobs for the people of Durango, as well as providing better care for the environment.

At the time, Ambassador Sánchez Muñoz said that it is interesting to be in Durango and learn about the other perspective, since Arauco offers sustainability, in addition to empowering the families who live in the area.

“The governor has a very clear vision of what he wants for Durango, since here we have a forestry power, so it is important that Chilean companies set up in this state and strengthen this sector,” she said.

The governor was accompanied by Villegaas Villarreal, the head of Economic Development, Fernando Rosas Palafox; the secretary of Natural Resources and Environment, Claudia Hernández Espino; the head of the State Water Commission, Yadira Narváez Salas; the director of Strategic Projects and Programs, Jaciel Chacón Bueno, the head of Social Communication, Víctor Hugo Hernández Fuentes, and the undersecretary of Industrial Business Development of the State, José Ricardo López Solís.

Source: eluniversal