Durango Government transforms education with digital classrooms; 500 more are added to the 900 already installed

Gobernador de Durango anuncia la instalación de 500 aulas digitales en escuelas de educación básica y media superior 16 de octubre 2024 / Foto: Especial

With the digital classrooms, the Durango Government transforms the education of primary and high school students, as well as teachers, due to the different way of teaching.

In 2023, 900 digital classrooms were installed in the Durango territory and in this second stage, 500 more will be installed and thus “we will go year after year until we cover as much as possible in primary and high school education, which is where they are most needed,” said the governor Esteban Villegas Villarreal.

In addition, in this second stage of delivery of these classrooms, the Durango state governor explained that for this program, internet is not needed and any classroom can be used, with the projector and a laser, a giant screen is reflected on the wall where teachers can carry out various interactive activities.

He explained that the Secretary of Education, Guillermo Adame, and Víctor Fernel Guzmán Arvizú, director of EDUCAV, are training teachers so that they can get the most out of these classrooms that generate a new model of education, where children and young people can learn through various forms: audiovisual, auditory and kinesthetic.

Parents will receive a brochure with a card containing a serial number, and they will be able to download the content of the classrooms on their phone, so that they can monitor what their children are learning in school.

There is a section on how to monitor children’s nutrition and mental health, said Villegas Villarreal, reiterating that with this program, education in Durango will be revolutionized.

At the start of this second stage, Leticia Herrera Ale, mayor of Gómez Palacio, said that with the work in unity and with the help of the governor, the municipality grows and develops, “this is a sign of the firm commitment that the governor has with education and above all always visualizing it as the most important tool for the construction of a better society.”

And she specified: “His constant support in materials and cutting-edge equipment for basic level institutions will facilitate the optimal learning of thousands of girls and boys in their classrooms.”

At the time, Guillermo Adame Calderón, stated that in the search to change education and rebuild the social fabric, these tools are provided, in addition to support for teachers with better salaries, the CURA application, so that parents are aware of where their children are and what they do.”

In turn, César Alí Martínez Rodríguez, a sixth-year student at the Antonio Castro elementary school, added:

He said he was excited and with great enthusiasm to learn, “thank you Esteban for bringing a world to our hands, for believing in us and helping us continue fighting, thank you for taking into account our parents and for being on the side of our teachers. Today is a special day because we continue building the future that we all deserve, because in Durango, education is fun.”

The demonstration of the operation of the digital interactive classroom was led by Víctor Fernel Guzmán Arvizú, director of the Educar con Valor (Educav) program, where Mayor Lety and the State Executive and the elementary school students participated, “we are transforming this way of teaching in Durango with a program where they learn differently and can achieve their dreams,” he said.

Source: eluniversal