Snowfall in October? Chihuahua warned of possible snowfall; see affected municipalities

Protección Civil pronostica caída de nieve en Chihuahua.

The State Coordination of Civil Protection warned about the possible fall of snow in some parts of Chihuahua, due to the arrival of cold front number 4. State authorities warn that the temperature will drop starting this Wednesday; rain is also forecast.

Alert for possible snowfall in Chihuahua

According to the Civil Protection statement, sleet is expected in the high parts of the Sierra Tarahumara during the early hours of Thursday, October 17 and Friday, October 18. In the rest of Chihuahua, rain could occur accompanied by electrical activity and possible hail.

This Wednesday, the cold air mass will generate gusts of wind of 45 to 55 km/h in the municipalities of Guadalupe, Ascensión, Janos, Casas Grandes, Belisario Domínguez and Gran Morelos.

Similar conditions could occur in Riva Palacio, Aquiles Serdán, Aldama, Satevó, Valle de Zaragoza, Huejotitán, San Francisco del Oro, Santa Bárbara, Matamoros, Coyame and Ojinaga.

Recommendations for the arrival of cold front number 4 in Chihuahua

Wear clothing appropriate to the season
Eat foods rich in vitamin C and D
Prepare your heating appliances and seek specialized maintenance
Protect your respiratory tract
Avoid self-medication, go to the doctor
Take special care of the elderly, children and chronically ill people

Source: unotv