Taxes and water service fees increase in Los Cabos

Aumenta en Los Cabos el pago de impuestos y servicios de agua potable

On Monday morning, representing Mayor Christian Agúndez Gómez, the Secretary General of the XV Los Cabos City Council, Alberto Rentería Santana, led the civic event in the Antonio Mijares Plaza in San José del Cabo, accompanied by the municipal trustee Nélida Alfaro, councilors, and public servants. During his speech, Rentería highlighted the significant increase in the payment of taxes and drinking water services, for which he recognized the responsibility of the population to make their payments in a timely manner.

“Compared to last month, we have observed a very favorable trend with increased payments for drinking water services, ISABI and property tax. We appreciate the solidarity and commitment of the population,” said Rentería Santana.

Likewise, the Secretary General announced that next Wednesday a session of the H. Cabildo of Los Cabos will be held; At this session, the call issued by the municipal president to hold the corresponding plebiscites in the delegations will be presented, stating that, for Cabo San Lucas and La Ribera, it has been decided that the representatives will be women.

Source: elpueblotve