Up to six years in prison proposed for those who perform conversion therapies in Tamaulipas

The Congress of Tamaulipas received the initiative that seeks to penalize with up to six years in prison those people or organizations that carry out the controversial process of “conversion therapies.”

It was on the afternoon of Tuesday, October 15, in the ordinary session scheduled at 12:00 noon, where the deputy of the Morena party, Guillermina Magaly Deandar Robinson appeared before her colleagues.

“The LGBTQ+ community has been a group that has been violated and discriminated against, subjected to practices, under this context, various organizations abound that, clandestinely, offer ‘therapies’ that promise to cure homosexuality or transsexuality, which violates the fundamental rights of the people subjected to them,” she declared.

This initiative dictates that two to six years in prison will be imposed, in addition to a fine of one thousand to two thousand times the daily value of the Update Measurement Unit.

The same could reach 217 thousand 140 pesos as the maximum punishment for anyone who performs any type of treatment that annuls or suppresses a person’s sexual orientation, identity or gender expression.

The legislator pointed out that some federal entities have already established the prohibition of these practices, pointing out the cases of Mexico City, Baja California Sur, Yucatan, Zacatecas and Colima.

What danger do “conversion therapies” have?

The deputy described that these “processes” bring with them mandatory readings of ideologies, ingestion of medicines that treat neurological disorders and aversion therapies.

She added that they can include beatings, rape, nudity and forced feeding or deprivation of food, confinement, mandatory medication, aggression, humiliation and therapies with electric energy.

“This entails a series of consequences; such as considerable loss of self-esteem, anxiety, depression, social isolation, difficulties in establishing intimate relationships, self-hatred, sexual dysfunction, suicidal thoughts and attempts at this act, as well as post-traumatic stress disorder, rejection and guilt for not changing at the end of the therapy,” she explained.

She concluded that citizens must protect this community and criminalize these acts of violence that cause harm, “long live love in any of its manifestations!” she said effusively.

The initiative to penalize the controversial process of “conversion therapies” with up to six years in prison in Tamaulipas, in the voice of the Morena legislator, seeks to support the LGBTQ+ community so that they can exercise their right to free development of personality and without fear of being violated.

Source: elsoldetampico