6.5% of Tijuana Maquiladoras Already Have a 40-Hour Workweek: Arhitac

It is estimated that more than half of the industries will adapt their schedules once the labor reform is approved, according to the association.

6.5% of Tijuana’s maquiladoras have already implemented the 40-hour workweek, which proposes that employees work 8 hours a day for 5 days a week, according to studies by the Tijuana Industrial Human Resources Association (Arhitac).

According to the results of a survey conducted with 84 affiliated organizations, encompassing a sample of 77,724 employees, this means that at least 5 industries already have the new workweek.

With the 48-hour workweek established by law, currently, 54% of maquiladoras have 5-day workweeks, 23% have 4-day workweeks, and another 12% operate on a 3×4 schedule, with the remainder equal to or below those days.

Reduced Workweek

With the reduced workweek, the organization stated that the 5-day workweek will be maintained by 55% of maquiladoras offering their schedules, while the 4-day workweek will remain at 19%, and the 3×4 workweek will be just 4%.

Currently, only 6.5% of maquiladora industries have the 40-hour workweek, but once the reform that sets this as the maximum schedule comes into effect, it will rise to 58.3%.

The new workweek, according to the results, will offer employees the option to work 8 hours a day for 5 days, 4 hours a day for 6 days, or 7.8 hours a day for 4.7 days.

Current 48-Hour Workweek

On the other hand, the current 48-hour workweek is present in 51% of maquiladoras, which Arhitac indicated will drop to the point of “extinction,” being managed by only 0.7% of organizations.

The most frequent shifts are daytime shifts at 67%, followed by night shifts at 26%, and mixed shifts at just 7%, with the majority of employees in production lines.

77% of the sample, or about 59,847 local industry workers, perform their duties during daytime shifts, 20% work night shifts, and the remaining 3% work mixed shifts.

Reduction of the Workweek in Mexico

On this topic, Arhitac President Obdulia Rodríguez Sánchez acknowledged that they are still monitoring legislative discussions proposing the reduction of the workweek nationwide, from 48 to 40 hours per week.

She assured that they have been working with companies and various members of the organization’s departments, such as finance and planning, to identify the aforementioned scenarios and make a smooth transition.

As stated, some companies have already transitioned or are already working those 40-hour schedules, facing challenges in meeting production plans that were followed without issue in the 48-hour workweek.

Adequate Staffing with Reduced Workweek

The president of Arhitac explained that the staffing of organizations already operating with a reduced workweek has been “adequate” in the sense that workers are already on 40-hour schedules for 5 days or opening weekend shifts.

“As organizations, we are obligated to seek alternatives to comply with the law, but also to comply with corporate requirements,” she added.

Source: El Imparcial