Search for activist Sandra Dominguez in Oaxaca and Veracruz expands; 6 searches are carried out

Este 16 de octubre, las autoridades amplían búsqueda en Oaxaca y Veracruz de la activista Sandra Domínguez y su esposo. Foto: Especial

Twelve days after the disappearance of the activist and her husband, the State Commission for the Search for Missing Persons for the State of Oaxaca (CEBPEO) and the State Attorney General’s Office (FGEO) reported that the search for Sandra Domínguez and Alexander Hernández, last seen on October 4 in María Lombardo de Caso, municipality of San Juan Cotzocón, was extended to the central region of the state.

The head of the search agency, Michel Julián López, reported that in order to find the whereabouts of both people, the actions were extended to the Valles Centrales region, specifically in the municipality of San Pedro Ixtlahuaca, where the victims also lived, to gather information “and generate new lines of investigation.”

He assured that these actions are carried out jointly with the National Commission for the Search for Missing Persons in Mexico, the Coordination for the Attention of Human Rights (CADH) and the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Oaxaca (FGEO), and that the collaboration of the 31 local search commissions was achieved.

Source: eluniversal