The beaches of Los Cabos, BCS are driving away tourists due to a lack of cleanliness.

Although 96% of visitors recommend Los Cabos as a tourist destination, the poor condition of the beaches is affecting the city’s image and threatening to deter tourists. According to the Los Cabos Tourism Trust (Fiturca), which is responsible for improving the tourist experience, cleanliness is a major priority area that needs attention.

The trust identifies two main reasons for this situation: the disappearance of the National Fund for Tourism Development (Fonatur) and the Integral Port Administration (API), which were previously in charge of maintaining and cleaning the beaches. Without these organizations, the maintenance work has not been done properly, resulting in dirty beaches.

Rodrigo Esponda, director of Fiturca, explains that a monthly survey is conducted by the Los Cabos Tourism Observatory to evaluate visitor satisfaction with the quality of services provided. The results are shared with local authorities and business associations to coordinate efforts to improve the city’s image.

However, despite these efforts, many tourists have reported poor service and dirty beaches during their visits. This has led to a 20% increase in sales for local businesses, but also puts pressure on them to maintain high standards of cleanliness and general appearance to retain tourist attraction. The Chamber of Commerce, Services, and Tourism (Canaco) of Los Cabos warns that it is crucial to improve the condition of the beaches and tourist areas to maintain their competitiveness in the global tourism market.

Source: Luz Noticias