This is how the 2018-2024 six-year term ends: more than 7 thousand homicides in Chiapas


The government period of Rutilio Escandón Cadenas, which began on December 8, 2018 and will end in December 2024, records a total of 7,126 violent deaths in Chiapas, of which 2,910 were classified as intentional homicides and 194 as femicides, according to figures from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP).

The annual average of intentional homicides in the state was 485, according to official data. The main affected regions include Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Tapachula, Palenque, Suchiate and San Cristóbal de las Casas, municipalities that concentrate a significant proportion of the incidents due to criminal activity and the presence of criminal groups.

The six-year term of Escandón Cadenas exceeds in intentional homicides the total registered in the six-year terms of Manuel Velasco Coello and Juan Sabines Guerrero, his predecessors. Between 2012 and 2018, under “El Güero,” 2,357 investigation files were registered, while between 2006 and 2012, during the Sabines government, 2,309 files were opened, according to the Executive Secretariat of the Interior.

Regarding femicides, 194 cases were recorded during the six-year term about to end, a crime that was mainly concentrated in municipalities such as Tapachula, Tuxtla Gutiérrez and Comitán, which have historically registered high rates of gender violence. In addition, in 2024, a total of 19 murdered police officers have been recorded, being the third entity with the highest number of these cases.

Undoubtedly, a key factor in the increase in violent deaths is the consolidation of organized crime groups operating in the state in strategic areas, so the border with Guatemala and the corridors of the Lacandon Jungle became scenes of clashes between cartels, with direct consequences for the communities.

Roadblocks, forced displacements and executions became recurrent in municipalities such as Frontera Comalapa, La Trinitaria and Ocosingo.

During the six-year term, more than 101,951 investigation files have been opened for different crimes. Of these, 20,177 correspond to the crime of robbery, which stood out as the most recurrent crime against property.

SESNSP data indicate an increase in cases of robbery with violence, mainly in the theft of vehicles. Both four-wheeled vehicles and motorcycles were reported as the main targets. This increase is related to an increase in the levels of violence associated with property crimes.

OCCH indices and the evolution of violence

The Chiapas Citizen Observatory (OCCH) points out in its report specific findings on the evolution of violence indices in the state. Among the most notable points, a significant increase in the use of firearms for the commission of intentional homicides and femicides was identified. The report details that firearms were involved in the majority of these cases, representing more than 68% of intentional homicides. In addition, rural areas and the border with Guatemala reported an increase in confrontations related to illicit activities.

The analysis also highlights that Chiapas went from 24th place in incidence of homicides nationwide in 2018 to 18th place in 2024, which represents an unfavorable change compared to other entities, since 22 states reported decreases in this crime during the same period.

Another notable finding in the report was the increase in culpable homicides, which mostly correspond to deaths from road accidents. The report also shows that the incidence of crime is concentrated in specific regions of Chiapas. The Soconusco and coastal strips, as well as the northern part of the state, have the highest rates of wilful homicides and other violent crimes.

Wilful homicides in Chiapas increase by more than 40%

The increase in the use of firearms is linked to the arms trafficking routes that cross Chiapas. According to the Observatory, it is not only a transit territory, but more and more weapons remain in the state, which is related to local criminal dynamics.

In addition to wilful homicides, other violent deaths linked to social and community conflicts were reported. In municipalities such as Frontera Comalapa, Ocosingo and Oxchuc, tensions due to territorial, political and security disputes led to violent events.

With a total of 7,126 violent deaths, 194 femicides and more than 101,951 open investigation files, the next government of Chiapas faces significant challenges in terms of public security. The increase in the use of firearms, the rise in violent robberies and the persistence of femicides stand out among the main problems that must be addressed with comprehensive strategies.

Source: elheraldodechiapas