700 thousand faithful are expected at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Guadalajara


On December 12, an influx of more than 700 thousand faithful is expected at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the authorities will deploy a security operation.

“We hope that every day we will have more visitors, but also more order, so we always have to be better, I am pleased to know that modifications and adjustments are being made and the strategy is being recalibrated to have greater efficiency in mobility in the best services, the greatest cleanliness, the greatest security,” said Salvador Zamora, general secretary of government.

On the 493rd anniversary of the apparitions of the Virgin of Guadalupe to Juan Diego, the arrival of 65 pilgrimages from various points of Jalisco and nearby states is expected in Guadalajara.

What will the security be like on December 12?

The state of force ordered by the government of Jalisco and the government of Guadalajara will be more than 250 elements of agencies such as the State Security Secretariat, the State Unit of Civil Protection and Firefighters of Jalisco, the Urban Shield C5, the Police Station of the Traffic Police and SAMU of Jalisco.

When will the operation of December 12 begin?

The operation will begin on December 11 at 6 a.m. and will end on December 13.

“The most intense day is obviously December 12, it is expected that by the morning of the 13th the entire operation will practically be lifted and also that the cleaning work will begin, we are considering that on the 13th we will have everything ready, everything clean, the perimeter that makes up the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Guadalupe will be clean and without any problem for the people who live there or transit there,” said Manuel Romo, general secretary of the government of Guadalajara.
What are the recommendations for attending the Guadalupe Shrine on December 12?
Keep an eye on minors
Keep your belongings in sight
Avoid crowds
Stay hydrated and wear comfortable shoes
Identify evacuation routes

Is there just one song to sing to the Virgin of Guadalupe?

Although the Virgin of Guadalupe may have different songs that are sung this December 12, according to the sources of the Catholic Church, there is one in particular that speaks of the pure essence of the Immaculate.

The lyrics of the Guadalupana have been sung in the Vatican; in Notre Dame (Paris), and in many other countries where there are Mexican Catholics or devotees of the Virgin of Guadalupe, whose devotion has inspired a large number of poems, songs and works of art.

According to religious sources, the song La Guadalupana was composed by two authors: Manuel Esperón and Ernesto Cortázar, who worked together in the Golden Age of Mexican Cinema, and wrote well-known songs and scores for important films of the aforementioned period.

Source: milenio