Tipping in restaurants; Profeco reiterates that it is voluntary and how to report pressure or undue charges


The Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco) reiterated that a tip is a voluntary, generally economic, gratification for a service received, mainly in activities that involve direct attention to consumers such as in restaurants, bars, tourist services and hotels.

“Article 10 of the Federal Consumer Protection Law establishes that: “Suppliers may not apply coercive and unfair commercial methods or practices, nor abusive or imposed clauses or conditions in the supply of products or services,” that is, that the tip is voluntary and they cannot include it in the bill or force consumers to pay it,” it explained.

Through an official statement, the agency recommended that consumers always carefully review the bill and if they notice charges they do not recognize, immediately ask what they are about.

After posting it on social media, users pointed out that in many restaurants in Mexico workers continue to ask for tips and exert social pressure on diners, so Profeco pointed out that this should be reported to avoid bad practices.

“Upon detecting these practices and in order to avoid them, it is important to file a complaint by calling the Consumer Telephone 55 5568 8722 or 800 468 8722, or by email [email protected],” it added.

Source: eluniversal