A young businessman was left dead between Acayucan and Jáltipan after more than eight hours of being deprived of his freedom by an armed commando that broke into his home in Oluta.
After a chase and with the discovery of the mattress merchant José Ángel Castillo Aguirre, 18 years old, police officers arrested a suspected criminal and seized tactical equipment and long weapons.
At least eight men traveling in two Hilux trucks, one gray and one white, broke into the house located on Allende Street in Barrio Primero and after not finding Cristian, they deprived his brother José Ángel, recently graduated from Cbtis 48, of his freedom, according to his sister Lady Jazmín.
After the activation of the Red Code, elements of the Public Security Secretariat pursued the alleged criminals who left a truck on Manuel Acuña Street, in the Villalba neighborhood of Acayucan, in front of the Vicente Obregón Market, and arrested Alfonso “N”, 26 years old, but five others managed to escape after stealing a taxi.
Inside the Hilux truck with license plates XM0646, the police elements seized four long weapons, useful magazines and five tactical vests, which were made available to the corresponding authorities.
After eight hours of pursuit, elements of the National Guard (GN) located the lifeless body of the young Luis Ángel Castillo, on the Cosoleacaque-La Tinaja highway in the direction of Coatzacoalcos, at kilometer 20 in Jáltipan.
The State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) opened an investigation file to determine the whereabouts of the rest of the alleged criminals, while the SSP has not yet provided details regarding the detainee.
Source: latinus.us