Puebla Forest Guard, preparing to defend the forests


Puebla is preparing to avoid major disasters in the 2025 fire season. Its forest fire prevention and response body is called the Forest Guard and will be one of the pillars of Governor Alejandro Armenta’s flagship project.

On different occasions when Crónica journalists had the opportunity to talk with Armenta, before he was a candidate for governor, one of the topics he invariably discussed was that of Puebla’s forests. In fact, he took the time to lead tree planting days.

Now, as governor, he has promoted actions to prevent and combat forest fires and carry out reforestation tasks.

Rebeca Bañuelos Guadarrama

The Secretary of the Environment, Sustainable Development and Territorial Planning, Rebeca Bañuelos Guadarrama (in the photo), said that the Forest Guard will be fully launched, whose objective will be to offer specialized training and assist state and federal authorities in combating illegal logging.

The Guard, she explained, will interact with municipal authorities and will carry out risk assessments, mapping and reconnaissance with high-tech equipment, using drones.

Rebeca Bañuelos Guadarrama stated that in order to advance in the achievements, the work of the Forest Guard must be added to that of other areas of the federal, state and municipal spheres such as the National Forestry Commission, the State Public Security Secretariat, the Federal Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources, the State Attorney General’s Office, the National Guard and the Federal Attorney’s Office for Environmental Protection, in addition to the National Commission of Protected Natural Areas and the Federal Attorney’s Office for Environmental Protection.

Source: cronica