Minutes before 6 in the morning, thousands of pilgrims set out on their way to San Juan de los Lagos from San Miguel de Allende. They will walk for nine days, driven by faith, devotion or family tradition that some have followed for several generations.
After attending mass, with backpacks on their shoulders to carry everything they need and well covered, the pilgrims formed lines, two by two, to begin walking along the route that they travel year after year with the fervor of prostrating themselves before the Virgin of San Juan.
The songs and prayers motivate them, so each group brings the person in charge of the loudspeaker with whom, with a single phrase, he marks the song that follows so that the walkers sing in unison the prayers dedicated to ‘San Juanita’.
More than 5 thousand pilgrims from San Miguel de Allende, accompanied by municipalities of Bajío, began their nine-day journey to San Juan de los Lagos.
They march from San Miguel with dances and drums
Dancers and groups of crazy people also walk through the streets to their own rhythm, the first to the sound of the big drums; the second behind the sound car that plays happy songs to dance to. When leaving the town, dancers and crazy people pause to change, put away their costumes and continue on their way.
In addition to the backpack, they must carry a bench and hat because, although the walk begins before dawn, the sun reaches them as they reach the destination where they will camp to take a break and then start again the next day. The crosses and saints are also carried on the backs of the walkers.
Source: periodicocorreo