Miramar Beach seeks to be a leading destination in Mexico, this is the project with federal support


With the theme of offering complete legal certainty to Playa Miramar, the main tourist attraction in Tamaulipas, authorities from Ciudad Madero met with representatives of the Federal Tourism Secretariat and the National Fund for Tourism Development (Fonatur).

The mayor of Ciudad Madero, Erasmo González Robledo, announced that this meeting seeks to trigger the maximum tourist space in the region through a legal order and a comprehensive vision of development.

“This association will give results in a short time”

He said that during the meeting the need to provide legal certainty to the lands of Playa Miramar was highlighted, a fundamental step to attract public and private investments.

“This association with the federal sector, the state Tourism Secretariat and the City Council will give results in a very short time…they were pleased with the teamwork and the long-term vision that we have proposed,” he said.

The highest authority of Madero said that the main objective is to consolidate a Master Development Plan, which will include the territorial ordering of the municipality and the strategic promotion of the beach.

They seek to displace Acapulco, making tourists from the capital choose the south of the state as their favorite destination
He added that they are seeking to reactivate a polygon delimited more than 30 years ago, promoting the orderly development of land in the south of the beach, as well as the creation of a partial plan that guarantees efficient use of the land.

In addition, the introduction of basic infrastructure is contemplated, such as drainage and drinking water, both in La Barra and in the northern area, with a view to improving tourist and urban services.

Support from the Federal Government, fundamental for the objective
González Robledo highlighted the importance of coordinating with the Federal Government to trigger projects that attract road tourism, once again positioning Miramar beach as one of the most important destinations in the country, after Acapulco.

Miramar Beach

“We have the full support of the governor of Tamaulipas, and with events such as Carnival, Holy Week 2025 and sports and cultural activities, we hope to consolidate Miramar as a first-class destination for thousands of tourists,” he added.

He pointed out that another key point discussed was the restitution of land to individuals, a process led by the State Government.

As part of the agreement, an information sheet will be prepared to define investments and encourage the participation of the private sector in the development of the beach.

He concluded that with this joint vision between the three levels of government, to give legal certainty to Miramar Beach, it is emerging as an example of sustainable tourism development in Tamaulipas.

Playa Miramar

Source: oem