Querétaro 6th place in cargo theft


As of the first 9 months of 2024, there was a count of the theft of cargo transport that occurred in the country, this with data from the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic and the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System, it was announced that in terms of federal crimes, Querétaro is the sixth entity that had the most thefts of cargo transport in this period of time.

In these first three quarters of last year, there is a record that 268 cases occurred in the state, the first position in the category of federal crimes is occupied by Guanajuato with 729 reported events.

Of all these cases that have occurred in Querétaro, 8 vehicles that were stolen have been recovered, while there are still 4 copies that have not yet been found by the security authorities; In this regard, it is known that Puebla is the entity where there is the largest number of cargo vehicles that have not been recovered with 49.

At the national level, it is reported that last year there were 3,313 transport theft crimes that correspond to federal jurisdiction, while in 2023 there were 2,713, that is, there was an increase in this crime throughout the country of 18.11 percent.

Throughout 2024, Querétaro has always been reported to be one of the first 10 entities that have this problem on their highway sections, recently the state’s transporters accuse being victims of extortion by elements of the National Guard, the insecurity for this sector in the entity is constant.

Source: noticiasdequeretaro