Querétaro companies seek certainty in trade relations with the United States


Faced with tariff threats from the United States government, companies are seeking certainty in the commercial relationship with the neighboring country, said the president of the Association of Industrial SMEs of Querétaro (Amiqro), Cuauhtémoc Acevedo Toledo.

Therefore, he urged that commercial ties between Mexico and the United States be maintained with a perspective of mutual benefit.

“Industrial companies are really looking for certainty in terms of balanced trade, that the commercial partnership with the United States is really maintained for common benefit, it is a win-win. (…) Businessmen want business issues with companies not to be affected and (not) to be confused with immigration issues of security and weapons,” he said.

The business community, he added, asks that national products be recognized as 100% made in Mexico, because in the country everything is done from the design process to manufacturing and other links in the production chain.

“Today, Mexican businessmen take with all the seriousness that it deserves that our products are recognized as 100% Mexican, because to date, Mexican companies make designs, manufacture the products, the technologies, manage the logistics for the companies, even the start-up of the machinery,” she said.

Economic implications

On this subject, the president of the Querétaro Business Center of the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex), Beatriz Hernández Rojas, said that the application of tariffs would bring implications to competitiveness, growth, stability and the viability of investments in the country.

“We insist on the serious effects that this measure, if fulfilled, could cause to the detriment of consumers and companies in both countries,” she said.

The businesswoman said that the one-month pause —in the tariffs that the US government would impose on Mexico— could be part of a strategy by President Donald Trump to pressure and position his agenda.

“Having fulfilled his threat on February 1 positions him among his fellow citizens as a strong, powerful leader who keeps his word. He has calculated the impact he would have on the countries that he no longer sees as commercial allies consignees in the T-MEC. He found the elements of pressure to consolidate his agenda,” she said.

The state president of Coparmex recognized the negotiation of the Mexican government to extend the entry into force of the tariffs.

The solutions to this situation, she asked, must include policies to strengthen companies, so that they develop alternative supply chains and new development schemes in the internal market.

Source: eleconomista