San Miguel de Allende, a safe place?


The color, beauty, security, tranquility and peace of a city like San Miguel de Allende has been tarnished in recent months by the increase in high-impact crimes, which include a massacre of a family.

San Miguel de Allende is considered one of the safest cities in Mexico. According to data from various sources, the crime rate in the city is relatively low compared to other parts of the country.

According to the authorities, the violence generated in the municipality is due to personal and family conflicts, such as the murder of three people on December 30 on Bicentenario Avenue. This multiple murder adds to other violent events that have occurred in the municipality in recent weeks. According to official sources, three other homicides were recorded on the same day in different parts of San Miguel de Allende, which raises to six the number of violent deaths in the municipality in just 24 hours.

Violent crimes, such as homicides and kidnappings, are rare so far, but in December 2024 alone there were 22 homicides and January closed with 15 homicides, a slight decrease compared to the previous month.

Tourists often consider the central areas of the city, such as El Jardín and the Parroquia de San Miguel Arcángel, to be safe and well guarded by local police and many San Miguel residents believe that the problems are in the outskirts and rural areas.

Despite being a quiet city, if you live or travel to San Miguel de Allende or anywhere in the country, it is essential to keep your belongings safe, especially in places with a high presence of people.

Night walks are usually safe, especially in populated and well-lit areas. Taxis and ride-sharing services are recommended for night trips. Always make sure to use registered or reputable providers.

Emergency services are reliable and medical and police assistance is easily accessible. It is helpful to have emergency contact numbers on hand, such as 911 for general emergencies.

Source: meganoticias