Who was Juan León Rico? The genius behind Querétaro’s most famous hotdogs


Juan León Rico’s hot dogs marked generations in Querétaro, becoming a classic of the city. Today, his legacy remains in the memory of those who enjoyed his unique flavor.

An icon of street food in Querétaro

Querétaro is in mourning after the confirmation of the death of Juan León Rico on February 4, 2025, a key figure in the city’s street gastronomy.

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His name is linked to the history of HotDogs La Congregación, a family business that since 1967 has delighted thousands with its artisan bread and unique recipe.

Since its inception, Juan León Rico and his family innovated in the way of selling hot dogs, using a wooden cart with tires. This concept became an emblem of Querétaro’s nightlife, attracting diners of all ages.

Over the years, Hot Dogs La Congregación evolved without losing its essence. In 2010, the brand was registered to preserve its authenticity and tradition, consolidating its place in the gastronomic history of Querétaro.

Who was Juan León Rico?

Juan León Rico was the son of Florencio León Chávez, the founder of Hot Dogs La Congregación. Together with his brother, he consolidated the family business and turned it into a reference point in the Historic Center of Querétaro, a few steps from the Convent of La Congregación.

His creativity led him to design the first cart to sell hot dogs on the street, a detail that transformed the way fast food was offered in the city. This business model coincided with the strategy that the German butcher Charles Feltman introduced in New York with the first street hot dogs, although it is not known if there was a direct influence.

Juan León Rico’s legacy lives not only in his hot dogs, but in the history of Querétaro, where his name will continue to be synonymous with tradition and flavor.

Fallece el creador de los hotdogs más famosos en Querétaro: ¿Quién era Juan León Rico?

Source: aztecaqueretaro