Oaxaca is ranked as the sixth entity with the most commercial establishments in Mexico, according to the 2024 Economic Census of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi).
The head of the Secretariat of Economic Development (Sedeco), Raúl Ruiz Robles reported that, compared to the previous survey of 2019, a notable increase of 10.6 percent of establishments is observed, equivalent to 318,595 in the state that generate 609,408 jobs.
In this way, he highlighted that this result reflects greater economic diversification, increased employment, better wages and advances in labor inclusion and financing.
The total remunerations received in the state amount to 31 thousand 135 million pesos with an increase of 64.4 percent compared to 2019. Commerce concentrates 37.7 percent of these remunerations, followed by non-financial private services with 29.1 percent, the manufacturing industry with 17 percent and other activities with 16.13 percent.
Ruiz Robles explained that microenterprises are the engine that drives the Oaxacan economy since they represent 98.28 percent of the establishments and employ more than 76 percent of the employed personnel.
Regarding labor inclusion and financing, he indicated that the Economic Census records that more than 12 percent of the economic units accessed capitalization and highlights that 23 thousand 286 people with disabilities were hired, which enhances their personal growth and labor development by promoting equal opportunities.
From a development perspective with a human sense, Sedeco promotes tools and mechanisms for the growth and strengthening of businesses, in addition to providing tools to everyone through training, commercial links, sources of financing, among others.

Source: cuartaplana