Digital transformation projected for Puerto Vallarta in 2026


It will be through an online platform, called Ventanilla Única, where citizens will be able to carry out their licensing and business operation procedures completely online, from the comfort of their home or office, without waiting in lines.

Puerto Vallarta is moving towards modernization with the implementation of a one-stop shop, a project promoted by the government of Luis Munguía. This initiative seeks to make it easier for citizens to carry out procedures and access municipal services quickly and easily.

Ángel Marcial Carrillo, head of the Smart Government Management, led the first meeting to present the details of the project. The platform will allow citizens to carry out licensing and business operation procedures online, reducing bureaucracy and improving the citizen experience.

The platform is expected to be ready in October of this year and to go into operation in January 2026. This initiative responds to the demand of business owners to modernize municipal departments and move procedures to the digital realm. With this one-stop shop, Puerto Vallarta takes an important step towards efficiency and transparency in municipal management, improving the quality of life of its citizens.

Source: meridiano