Clandestine monitoring center found in Teocaltiche, Jalisco; it was operated by one of the missing police officers


In Teocaltiche, one of the eight police officers who disappeared last Tuesday afternoon operated a Command and Control (C2) center at the service of organized crime, revealed the governor of Jalisco, Pablo Lemus.

“It was a C2 front, that is, it was working in parallel with the state Urban Shield and what is initially apparent is that in reality this C2 worked for organized crime,” said the governor.

However, Lemus clarified that the current municipal president, Margarita Villalobos (PRI), is not linked to these events nor is there an investigation against her; rather – he pointed out – the evidence points to this being a problem inherited by the previous mayor, Juan Manuel Vallejo Pedroza (Morena).

“I also want to make it very clear here that the municipal president of Teocaltiche has nothing to do with this situation, it is an issue that was inherited by the municipal president herself and that comes from the previous administration, the investigation goes directly to the possibility that the previous administration could have links with a criminal group in the area,” said Lemus.

He also revealed that Vallejo Pedroza, who sought re-election but lost, is untraceable, since after assuming office as councilor he requested leave and left for the United States.

In October 2023, federal and state authorities seized two clandestine video surveillance centers that covered a large area of ​​Teocaltiche, including the entrances to the municipal capital, which allegedly allowed the criminal group that has settled there to evade security operations.

Regarding the search for the four police officers who are still missing and the driver who was taking them to Guadalajara, the governor said that the deployment of state and federal forces will continue in the region and there is hope of finding them alive soon.

He indicated that he cannot confirm that any of the four police officers found dead early Wednesday morning are linked to any criminal group and reiterated that the families will have the support of the state administration.

El gobernador de Jalisco, Pablo Lemus, informó que el Centro de Comando y Control (C2) operaba al servicio del crimen organizado. Foto: JUAN CARLOS REYES

Source: eluniversal