She spoke about the upcoming electoral process on June 1st, where, in addition to the mayors in Durango, the judges of the Judicial Branch will be elected.
In addition to Sheinbaum, the governor of Durango, Esteban Villegas Villarreal; the governor of Coahuila, Manolo Jiménez Salinas; Efraín Morales López, general director of Conagua; Carlos Torres Rosas, general coordinator of the Welfare Programs; as well as Ariadna Montiel Reyes, secretary of Welfare and Josefina Nava Ortiz, beneficiary of the Welfare program for women, spoke at the event held at the Sports Unit of Bermejillo, Mapimí.
Both Villegas and Sheinbaum were very well received by the population of Mapimí who applauded them, while the Morena municipal president of Mapimí, Fernando Reverte Granados, was booed by the majority of those present when he was mentioned for being the host municipality. Recently, the Electoral Court of Durango decided to sanction Reverte Granados because it was proven that he committed political violence based on gender against the also Morena municipal councilor of Mapimí.
The governor, Esteban Villegas, recognized the importance of social programs, for this reason he committed to the president, Claudia Sheinbaum to join those that support people with disabilities.
“It is the first time that a president of the Republic, in this case our President, is three uninterrupted days in a state, we want to thank her for having given us these three days in Durango,” said Villegas.
The president of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum, also asked for applause from the governor, Esteban Villegas, for assuming the commitment to expand and make universal in Durango the support program for People with Disabilities.
The governor, Manolo Jiménez, expressed his full support to the Sheinbaum government regarding the immigration issue, defending the sovereignty of Mexico but also to strengthen trade with the United States.
“I thank the governor of Coahuila and Durango, because although we come from different political parties, we agreed and we are working together for the people of Coahuila and for the people of Durango,” said the pressure from Mexico.
Sheinbaum highlighted works and actions to address “in depth” the water problem in Durango as well as the irrigation technology planned for this year, the water treatment plant in the capital and the Healthy Water works for La Laguna where previously Efraín Morales López, general director of Conagua, said that 1,300 million pesos will be allocated to connect Mapimí to the Healthy Water project for La Laguna.
Sheinbaum also spoke of the agreement made between irrigation districts, businessmen and states recognizing the work of Eduardo Tricio, president of Grupo Lala.
“For many years, water rights have been granted, and when water is granted… Even if not all of the concession is used, no one can use that water anymore, and if, for example, there is a river that can be used for irrigation or for human consumption, and if in the past it was granted to an industry, it can no longer be used, so the first agreement we made was that the businessmen would return it to the nation for the human right and the first one who decided to do so was Eduardo Tricio, and that speaks of businessmen with social responsibility, so I am very grateful to Eduardo and all those who have social responsibility,” said Sheinbaum.

Sheinbaum pointed out that the United States of America would not be what it is if it were not for the Mexicans who work in the United States, and highlighted that those who do so leave 80 percent of their income in the other country while only 20 percent returns to Mexico.
Social Programs
Sheinbaum spoke during her visit to Mapimí about the expansion of social programs of the federal government and social benefit actions in housing.
Carlos Torres Rosas, general coordinator of the Welfare Programs, said that 13 billion pesos will be allocated in Durango to benefit half a million families through these programs.
Judicial Branch
Regarding the election of those who make up the Judicial Branch, Claudia Sheinbaum pointed out that Mexico is the only country with this scheme that it considers democratic to elect the judging persons (judges, magistrates and ministers) and spoke about the next election that will take place in Durango on June 1st.
Source: elsiglodetorreon