The campaigns for candidates for the State Judicial Branch have not yet begun and six of them have resigned from participating, reported Juan José Ramos Charre, president of the Electoral Institute of Tamaulipas.
The resignations were for “personal reasons,” according to the citizens in their letter sent to the IETAM.
Those who resigned are Ivan Saldaña Magaña and Javier Valdez Perales to the position of magistrate; Jesús Martínez Vanoye to supernumerary magistrate; Laura Melisa Uvalle Serna, Oscar Eduardo Carmona Ortiz and Luis Rey González Salazar to the Judge of First Instance.
Of the six resignations, one was in Matamoros, another in Soto la Marina and four in Ciudad Victoria. All for “personal reasons.”
In the case of declinations due to death, incapacity or disqualification, a specific procedure is followed, he explained.
He indicated that the declinations were ratified and presented to the State Congress. According to the law, if the ballots are not yet printed, the candidates can be replaced, but this is at the discretion of the Evaluation Committees.
And if they have already been printed, there will be no changes to the ballot.
The Institute will make public the list of 548 candidates for the State Judicial Branch. But there are duplicate candidates in the Evaluation Committees, so the real number of candidates is 352.

Source: heraldodemexico