Indigenous education teachers block streets in Oaxaca; they demand improved materials and delivery of equipment


Teachers from the indigenous education level of Section 22 of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE) blocked various intersections in the city of Oaxaca as a pressure measure to demand that the educational authorities resolve their labor demands.

The roadblocks began around 10:00 a.m. on the roads known as Fonapas, the Juárez monument that leads to the municipality of San Andrés Huayapam, and in front of the ADO bus terminal.

The teachers began their concentration at 8:00 a.m. in front of the building that housed the facilities of the State Institute of Public Education of Oaxaca (IEEPO); they had planned a march, but at the last minute they cancelled it, and only closed the roads.

The head of the 21st headquarters of the union delegation of Section 22 of the SNTE, Efraín Bolaños Calderón, stated that their main demands are the hiring of personnel to cover the needs of indigenous education schools, the delivery of technological equipment, as well as the delivery of uniforms and school supplies.

“These are issues that have not yet been resolved,” he said, and announced that the protests will continue until there is a definitive solution to their demands.

Section 22 of the SNTE also plans a work stoppage next Friday, February 28, 2025, due to the failure of the federal and state governments to deliver uniforms and school supplies to more than 820 thousand students.

Until now, the general director of the IEEPO, Emilio Montero, has maintained that the lack of compliance with these demands is the responsibility of the head of the Secretariat of Public Education (SEP), Mario Delgado.

Maestros de educación indígena bloquean calles de Oaxaca ()24/02/2025). Foto:  Edwin Hernández / EL UNIVERSAL

Source: eluniversal