Protests overthrow thermoelectric project in Juanacatlán, Jalisco


The marches and demonstrations against the installation of a combined cycle thermoelectric plant in Juanacatlán in the last month, led this Wednesday to both the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and the Jalisco government announcing that the plant will not be built in that district, in the southeast of the metropolitan area of ​​Guadalajara.

Less than a month ago, on February 7, the governor of the CFE, Pablo Lemus, said that “the President announced that the feasibility studies were reactivated to have a combined cycle plant called Charrería, in the municipality of Juanacatlán. It is great news for Jalisco, the president listened to me and made the decision to reactivate this project.”

In support of the opposition reaction caused by the declaration, the mayor of Juanacatlán, Ana Rosa Vergara Ángel -of the Labor Party- sent requests for information to both the CFE and the Jalisco government to learn the details of a project with which the municipality does not agree.

The Undersecretary of the Interior of the Jalisco government, Iván Chávez Gómez, responded that “a thermoelectric plant will not be installed in the municipality” to the information request made by the Juanacatlán city council.

“The combined cycle project called CC Guadalajara does not yet have a defined location; currently the CFE is evaluating two possible sites for its development, neither of which are located within the municipality of Juanacatlán,” says the SI/0200/2025 letter signed by Chávez in response to the mayor.

It also clarifies that a dry cooling system with aerocondensers will not be installed in Juanacatlán and that if the project is carried out, it would be designed with a dry cooling system with aerocondensers, significantly reducing water consumption.

For its part, in its response to Vergara Ángel, after informing that Juanacatlán will not be the site of said work, the CFE also clarifies that “the CFE generation plants that are incorporated into the National Electric System must comply with current regulations on social and environmental matters.”


Source: jornada