Seven new speed cameras installed in Mexico City: We tell you where they are located.


With the goal of reducing speeding accidents, the Undersecretariat of Traffic Control of the Mexico City Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) installed seven new radars on highways in different boroughs.

The SSC explained that the devices installed in the districts of Álvaro Obregón, Coyoacán, Tlalpan, Xochimilco, and Iztacalco are currently being configured.

“The configuration process, in some cases, causes the radars to emit a constant flash. However, even if the flash is visible, this does not imply a penalty, since the emission of light is part of the tests and technical adjustments carried out to verify their correct operation,” they explained.

Speed ​​Camera Locations

So now you know, the new speed cameras could cause problems if you exceed the speed limits. For example, if you press the accelerator too hard, you’ll receive 3 penalty points on your driver’s license. If you have more than one photocopied for speeding, you’ll pay community service and take a traffic test.

Plates from other states could result in a fine equivalent to 10 to 20 times the current Unit of Measurement and Update (UMA), meaning you’d be paying between 1,131.04 and 2,262.08 pesos.

Bldv. Adolfo López Mateos and 11 de Abril Street, 8 de Agosto neighborhood, Álvaro Obregón Municipality

Ringway and Giotto Street, Alfonso XIII neighborhood, Álvaro Obregón Municipality

Ringway and Picacho-Ajusco Highway, Jardines del Pedregal neighborhood, Álvaro Obregón Municipality

Ringway and Zacatepetl Avenue, Insurgentes Cuicuilco neighborhood, Coyoacán Municipality

Ringway and Río Ventura Street, Coapa Guadalupe neighborhood, Tlalpan Municipality

Río de la Piedad Viaduct and 3rd Street, Ignacio Zaragoza neighborhood, Iztacalco Municipality

Division del Norte Extension and Mexico Avenue, San Marcos neighborhood, Xochimilco Municipality

Evita multas respetando los límites de velocidad / Redes Sociales

Source: record