4 women are running for the governorship of Guanajuato


Four women will compete for governor of Guanajuato next year.

Yesterday two other candidates emerged. Sixteen days after resigning from the PRI, local representative Yulma Rocha Aguilar registered at noon as a Citizen Movement pre-candidate for the governorship of Guanajuato, in Mexico City.

She said that she ran because she had an invitation from the national leadership, specifically from Senator Dante Delegado. “I had two options: watch the problems pass or get worse with a bad government or act through a different alternative.

For her part, the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM) in Guanajuato announced that she will go alone to seek the governorship of Guanajuato, mayors and local councils and that her candidate will be a woman. The alliance with Morena is not feasible because it is a divided party.

Sergio Contreras Guerrero, secretary of the State Executive Committee of the PVEM, explained that on Friday the State Political Council met and after a deliberation of more than two hours it was agreed not to have an alliance in the local candidates, governorship, city councils and local councils.

It was not taken lightly, it was taken with analysis, with quantitative and qualitative reviews by the State Committee in coordination with the municipal leadership. We did several electoral review studies where the PVEM has a voting intention of 8%; The party became stronger and there is great expectation of growth. There are new cadres and it gives us exponential growth, we have a base of almost 49 thousand militants in the state,” he explained.

Although the nomination will be formalized at the beginning of next year, it is considered that the candidate will be Virginia Magaña.

For her part, after being in office for seven months, Libia Dennise García Muñoz Ledo left the Secretariat of Social and Human Development (Sedeshu) yesterday to dedicate herself fully to her pre-campaign as a PAN candidate for governor.

This was announced by her and the governor on their respective social media accounts. Diego Sinhue Rodríguez wrote: “Libia Dennise today begins a new stage and we are pleased that she has been an important part of this administration in the Government of Guanajuato.

We wish you success in your project and surely important and positive moments are coming for Guanajuato.”

Finally, Alma Alcaraz was appointed early on November 11 as the State Coordinator of the Defense Committees of the Fourth Transformation and therefore Morena’s candidate for governor of Guanajuato.

Although Ricardo Sheffield Padilla won the polls, Alcaraz came in second place and, as the best positioned woman, gender parity favored her.

Aspirants are heading towards the campaign

During her registration as a Citizen Movement pre-candidate for the state governorship, Yulma Rocha said that she is leading a new project.

We will not be presented with the opportunity again for women to work for other women, as subjects of rights. We are not going to be presented with an opportunity for young people to have a different life.

“Today I am here to do what the PAN stopped doing, which is to protect citizens. Today Guanajuato occupies one of the first places in violence,” she stated.

She added that she has been listening to proposals from different parties, and in the case of the Citizen Movement it seems to her to be the only platform where it can be built.

Asked about her expectations in the race, she said that she has “every chance of winning. Citizen Movement is the only party with potential growth, it is the only party that has no negatives.

“It is the only force that listens to the citizens, the numbers it brings, plus what I bring, places us at levels of competition,” she stated.

Rocha anticipated that she will do a different campaign, “we are not going to do those old campaigns, it is going to be fresh.”

She clarified that she will request a license from the local council until the legal deadlines for registering the candidacy for governor before the IEEG, that is, until February 2024, since the law does not require her to request a license before that.

Sergio Contreras Guerrero, secretary of the State Executive Committee of the PVEM, pointed out that they will not go in alliance with Morena in Guanajuato.

The Green Party will nominate a candidate for state governor. Guanajuato is the only state that is not in alliance with Morena for the governorship, we consider that in the Verde we have women ready and capable to be on a one-on-one basis with the official candidate and those of other parties,” said Sergio Contreras.

He pointed out that at the moment it cannot be made official that Virginia Magaña, currently coordinator of the PVEM in León, is the standard bearer of the PVEM for the governorship, since this situation will be resolved in the State Council at the beginning of 2024, since the party will not have pre-campaigns.

Among the reasons why the PVEM will not go in alliance with Morena in Guanajuato, Sergio Contreras Guerrero expressed that there is a party in which not everyone is on the same train and there is the possibility of derailing.

“My respects to Alma. But she is not a union candidate as was visualized at one time with Juan Ignacio Torres Landa in 2012, and even so we fell short of the PRI itself and its divisions with Gerardo Sánchez, the reason she was lost. (Given the problems and divisions of Morena) we do not want to get involved in those problems,” he indicated.

For her part, Virgina Magaña expressed that she has had a political job for the last nine years and for 20 years she has been working for the development of women.

“For me it is a great opportunity if it is granted to me. It is a historical moment that the feminist movement itself gives us the opportunity, it is a consequence of the work that women have done. “We are ready to go out into public life and today more than ever we are prepared,” she expressed.

Virgina Magaña described the pre-candidates of the other parties as very prepared, and maintained that this election will be a social message that will encourage more women to occupy leadership positions in all sectors.

  Finally, Libya Dennise García said goodbye to her position from her X account.

“Today I finish a wonderful stage at the head of the Ministry of Social and Human Development. Thank you, Governor Diego Sinhue, for the trust you gave me to head the Government Secretariat and the Sedeshu, because thanks to that I had the privilege of serving the people of Guanajuato.”

Who are the aspiring candidates for the governorship of Guanajuato?

Libya Denisse García

Born June 15, 1983

She graduated in Law from the De La Salle del Bajío University. She has a Master’s Degree in Constitutional and Administrative Law.

She is a litigation lawyer in civil and commercial matters in a private office.

Professor at the Universidad Iberoamericana León.

Local Deputy 2015-2018 and 2018-2021

Secretary of Government and Social Development

Virginia Marie Magaña Fonseca

Born on December 15, 1975

Graduate and Master in Clinical Psychology from the Autonomous University of Querétaro. Master in Education from the Universidad del Valle de Atemajac Campus León.

President of the Council of the Municipal Women’s Institute of León.

Training Coordinator of the State Executive Committee of the Green Party in Guanajuato.

Coordinator of the PVEM in León

Alma Edwviges Alcaraz Hernández

Born in 1971

Graduate in Public Accounting from the Autonomous University of Sinaloa.

State Operational Coordinator of PAN in Sinaloa

Local Deputy for the PAN 1999-2001

State leader of Morena in Guanajuato 2018-2020

Local deputy for Morena (2021)

Yulma Rocha Aguilar

Born on September 7, 1981

Graduate in Public Administration from the University of Guanajuato

Councilor in the Irapuato City Council (2003 to 2006)

Local deputy (2006 to 2009)

Federal deputy (2009)

Local deputy (2012 to 2015)

Federal representative (2015 to 2018)

Local representative (2021)

Source: AM